Sunday, December 5, 2010

Concrete Souls

When I think of all the time my mother spends in her garden it dawns on me that she is creating another world of her own. From the giant Sunflowers that last through the fall to the Bleeding Hearts that only show their beauty for a few weeks in early June. So year after year new life is brought into the yard from all her hard work on those cold spring days when you have to chip through the frozen dirt to get in the early bulbs for the year. 
         However living in the seasonal land of New England all things must die or go to sleep for the winter. Until I found myself walking through the yard the other day and it dawned on me that there is life that lives through the cold winter and embraces the blanket of snow that will soon be upon them. The frog that has moved from garden to garden through out the years and lost his legs along the way (but we still make sure they are not far from him). The angel that is slowly becoming overgrown with moss that vaguely reminds me of a picture of my young mother. The bird bath that may only be used once or twice a year but stands alone like a soldier watching over his land. And you can't forget the Buddha that welcomes all into the house with a smile and a full belly. 
          Now it is mid-December and the flowers have all been bitten by frost and the days are getting shorter and colder. This means that it is now time for my mother to start thinking to the future and how she will bring life into our yard once again when spring rolls around. 


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